Рыночная экономикаSecondly, inability to overcome inflation is deviated by lacks of an economic mechanism. In conditions of the centralised economy practically there was no feedback, there were no effective economic levers, which were capable to adjust a parity between money and commodity weight; as to administrative terminators, they “worked” insufficiently effectively. In system of financial planning state plan played a determining role, instead of Ministry of finance and not the State Bank, which “worked” under it, supporting the scheduled tasks financial and money resources without any restrictions. Becoming traditional the politics of high rates of economic development ignored real resource opportunities. To support rates, the capital investments were constantly increased. In result the growth of consumption restrained; the efficiency of capital investments fell that negatively had an effect for economic growth and current manufacture. The means for new technology did not suffice, and continuous growing of fund of accumulation did not give desirable result. A problem died any more in amount of a capital investment, and in their efficiency, structure to reconstruct which economic mechanism prevented. The contradiction and deficiencies deleted there are more means, and the financial and budget terminators were very weak or practically were absent. Unbalanced took place not only in the consumer market. Its basis - increasing disproportion in the manufacture, strengthening financially - financial not of balance, defects in system of planning, in the mechanism of the money manipulation, in absence of antiinflationary regulation. Examining the reasons of inflation, the economists will carry out distinction between two its kinds - “ by inflation of the buyers “ (inflation of demand) and “ by inflation of the sellers “ (inflation of costs). In effect, it is two, as a rule, interconnected, but unequivalent reasons of inflation: one lays on the part of demand (surplus of money resources at the buyers), another - on the part of the offer (growth of industrial costs). Depending on character of inflation and rates of increase of inflationary processes distinguish the following types of inflation: 1) Slow inflation, for which the rather low rates of a rise in prices, approximately up to ten or several percents per one year are characteristic. Such inflation is inherent in the majority of the countries with the advanced market economy, and it is not represented by something unusual. The average level of inflation on the countries of the European community has made for last years about 3 - 3,5%. 2) Galloping inflation is difficult in ruling. The rate of its growth is expressed usually in two-place figures. Such high rates in the 80-th years were observed, for example, in many countries of Latin America, some countries of Southern Asia. The galloping rise in prices shows itself unequally and has not the strictly designated quantitative parameters. The inflationary processes depend on a level of development of the country, social economic structure unsimilar regulation of price processes. In the period after war - the period of capitalism has gone through two large waves of inflation: at transition from military economy of a market type (1945-1952) and under influence “ of petroleum shocks ”, is sharp shocked all structure of the world and internal prices (1974-1981). But it was possible to western countries to stop inflationary processes, using various methods of antiinflationary regulation. For the small countries, for example of Sweden, it was important to avoid imported inflation, for what the increase of the prices of national currency was used. Other countries resorted to methods of restraint of inflation by means of money-credit politics. 3) The greatest danger represents super-inflation. Its conditional boundary - monthly (within three-four months) rise in prices more than 50%, and annual will be expressed four numbers in figures. The feature super- inflation that it appears practically unguided; the usual functional interrelations and habitual levers of management of the prices do not work. On complete power the printed machine tool works, the gamble develops mad. Manufacture will be disorganised. To stop or to brake super-inflation it is necessary to resort to extreme measures. But there is no unequivocal representation about that, how to struggle with super-inflation. The rather inconsistent recipes are assumed various, quite often. To outstrip inevitable, increase, expected by all, of the prices, the owners of “hot” money aspire as soon as possible gets rid of them. In result is developed great demand; those goods are bought up first of all which can serve a means of partial preservation of the savings (real estate, subjects of art, precious metals). The people work under pressure “inflationary crisis ”, and it grow a rise in prices, and the inflation begins to feed itself. Classical example super-inflation - conditions which has been usual in Germany and a number of other countries after the First World War. In Germany in 1923 the level of a rise in prices was estimated 10 numbers and 12 numbers by numbers; the wages should be spent immediately, for within day of the price on products raised repeatedly. The process of inflation is inconsistent. On the one hand, the money profits are increased, the capital investments extend, and with another - the rise in prices conducts to depreciation of the unused capital. Win not everything, and, first of all strong firms having the modern equipment, perfect organisation of manufacture. In the best rule(situation) there are social groups living on the not fixed incomes, if their nominal incomes will grow by rate overtaking a rise in prices. From inflation the people who take money on credit can win, if not is stipulated, that percent for the credit should take into account an inflationary rise in prices. But whichever there were positive functions of inflation, leaving from under the control and even remaining rather weak, adjusted, the inflation renders on a course of economic development the whole complex especially of negative phenomena. To negative consequences of inflationary processes concern: - Decrease of the real incomes of the population; - Depreciation of the savings of the population (the increase of percents on the contributions, as a rule, does not compensate fall of the real sizes of the savings); - The loss at the manufacturers of interest in creation of the qualitative goods (is increased release of the goods of poor quality, manufacture of the rather cheap goods) is reduced; - Restriction of sale of agricultural products in city by the rural manufacturers by virtue of fall of interest, in expectation of increase of the prices on the foodstuffs; - Deterioration of conditions of life mainly at the representatives of social groups with the firm incomes (pensioners serving, students, which incomes are formed for the account state budget); - Easing positions of imperious structures (is reduced trust to the programs and measures planned and carried out government). The management of inflation represents a major problem money-credit and in the whole economic politics. The ways of management are ambiguous, are inconsistent on the consequences. The range of parameters for realisation of such politics can be rather narrow: on the one hand, it is required to constrain growth of an inflationary spiral, and with another - to support stimulus of manufacture to create conditions for saturation of the market by the goods. The management of inflation assumes use of the complex measures assisting in a certain measure to combine an insignificant rise in prices with stabilisation of the incomes. The tools of management of process differ depending on character and rate of inflation, features of economic conditions, specificity of an economic mechanism of the different countries. For antiinflationary regulation two are used such as economic politics: 1) Politics directed on reduction of budget deficiency, restriction of credit expansion, restraint of money issue. In conformity with material the recipes apply targets - regulation of rate of a gain of money weight in the certain limits - according to rate of growth of a total national product 2) Politics of price control and incomes having by the purpose to co- ordinate growth of earnings with a rise in prices. One of means serves index of the incomes determined by a level of a minimum conditions of life or a standard consumer basket and connected with dynamics of an index of the prices. For restraint of the undesirable phenomena the limits of increase or freezing of wages can be established, to be limited distribution of the credits etc. The influence on inflationary process in conditions of a sharp rise in prices requires special measures. So, for elimination of consequences “ of a petroleum shock ”, struck on economy of USA in second half of 70-th years, the registration rates were increased, the requirements to the sizes of reserve funds are amplified, the system of the taxation is stipulated. To lower rates of an inflationary rise in prices it was possible not at once: from 13-14 of % in 1979 they have decreased to 4 % after about three years - in 1982. As the experience testifies, to stop inflation with the help of one organisational measures rather difficulty if not to tell it is impossible. The structural reform directed on overcoming of disproportion’s, that has arisen in economy is necessary for this purpose. The concrete methods of restraint of inflation, “dose” and sequence of application of means, attracted for treatment, depend on statement of the correct diagnosis. To put the diagnosis - means, to determine character of inflation, to allocate the factors, basic and connected to them, which makes the growth of inflationary processes. In this case it is not necessary to expect for any ready circuits, and series of extreme measures to finish with inflation. Each inflation is specific and assumes application of such recipes, which correspond to character and depth of “disease”. Constant consequence in particular of inflationary process is the unemployment. By virtue of importance of this problem the state accepts the special measures for regulation of the market of work. The market of work - important sphere economic and social - political life of a society. In the market of work labour receives an estimation cost, the conditions of its employment, including size of wages, working conditions, opportunity of reception of education, professional growth, guarantee of employment etc are defined. The market of work reflects the basic tendencies in changes of employment, its(her) basic structures (branch, vocational, demographic), i.e. in a public division of labour, mobility of a labour, scales and changes of unemployment. The unemployment is a social economic phenomenon, at which the part of a labour (economically of active population) is not engaged in manufacture of the goods and services. The unemployed alongside with engaged form a labour of the country. In real economic life the unemployment acts as excess of a labour above demand for it(her). To the unemployed, according to statistics of many advanced countries, the persons who have been not engaged on the moment of realisation of interrogation about the status of their employment, undertaking attempts concern to find work within the previous four weeks and registered on labour exchange. Heavy for the countries of West were 30 years of our century. In USA the rate of unemployment has reached 25%. The diagram showing the dynamics of a rate of unemployment in USA for 100 years is rather curious (1890- 1990). If the share of the unemployed makes 1-3 % in general army of work, not it is accepted to count employment insignificant. Especially dangerous in social sense not employment (absence of work within 40 weeks and more) is long chronic. It is important to emphasise, that to the unemployed usually carry not only dismissed on the various reasons, but also persons voluntary left works and undertaking attempt to find new. The structure of unemployment for its reasons includes four basic categories of a labour: 1) Lost work as a result of dismissal; 2) Voluntary left work; 3) Come on the market of work after a break; 4) For the first time come on the market of work. The parity of these categories depends, first of all, on a phase of a business cycle. The monthly average rate of unemployment within the given year pays off under the formula: UE*100 of % Lue = ------------------ LFc, Where Lue - level (norm) of unemployment, %; UE - monthly average number of the unemployed; LFc - number of a civil labour. There are some concepts treating a phenomenon of unemployment. In Mark’s of the theory it usually connect to process of accumulation of the capital, at which the requirement for alive work (variable capital) is increased slower, than in machines, equipment (constant capital). In western economic science the point of view dominates, according to which the unemployment in the basis reflects an economic feasibility of use of resources, just as, say degree of loading of capacities reflects expediency and efficiency of use of a fixed capital. A so-called natural rate of unemployment reflecting structural disproportion in the market of work (between structure of a supply and demand of a labour on qualification, by demographic and other criteria). To natural unemployment carry also so- called friction unemployment connected mainly to voluntary transition of the workers from one work on another and to seasonal fluctuations in demand for a labour. In USA in the 60-th years as a natural rate of unemployment the parameter in 4,3 %, in 70-th - already 6,6 %, in 80-th - about 7% was considered. The excess of unemployment above a natural level is determined in the basic cyclic factor, i.e. condition of a conjuncture in the country. Changes of unemployment is influenced, besides demographic factors, with changes in structure of economy, condition of foreign trade and export of the capital, scales of the military charges, economic and social politics of the state. Owing to variety of internal regulators of the market of a labour, and also by virtue of social importance of its effective functioning the market of work requires the qualified regulation. It is possible to allocate four basic directions of state regulation of the market of work. First, it is the programs on stimulation of growth of employment and increase of number of workplaces in public sector, secondly, programs directed on preparation and retraining of a labour, and, thirdly, program of assistance to hiring of a labour. Besides the government accepts the programs on social insurance of unemployment, i.e. allocates means for the grants with the unemployed. Within the framework of this program in USA, for example, in after war period - hundred thousand workplaces in public sector (in sphere of public services - education, health services, municipal services, and also in construction of public buildings and structures and in remaking works) were created. With the help of these programs the rate of unemployment at the end of the 70-th years was artificial is underestimated on 0,8 percentage items. The more and more important meaning gets state assistance to hiring. So, service of giving jobs in USA having more of 2500 local agencies (labour exchanges), is engaged in registration of the unemployed, tries to find by it vacancies, will carry out testing the applicants for work for definition of their qualification. The listed directions do not settle all measures of influence of the state on the market of work. Alongside with them there is a complex of measures of indirect regulation of a labour: tax, money-credit and amortisation politics of government. Besides the considerable influence on the market of work renders also legislation - about social maintenance, about the labour relations, about the equal civil rights etc. The measures of indirect regulation of the market of a labour simultaneously are also measures economic of regulation and influence a conjuncture in the country. The special place in system of regulation of the market of work is occupied with labour exchange (service of employment, service to assistance to hiring), being one of the important structures of a market economic mechanism. It represents special establishment, which is carrying out intermediary functions in the market of a labour. In the majority of the countries of labour exchange are state and carry out the activity under the direction of the ministry of work or body, similar to it(him). At the same time in the market of work alongside with state services of employment the large number of private intermediate firms functions, the efficiency of which activity is very high. The basic directions of activity of labour exchanges are: 1) Registration of the unemployed; 2) Registration of vacant places; 3) Giving jobs to the unemployed and other persons wishing to get a job; 4) Study of a conjuncture of the market of work and granting of the information about it(her); 5) Testing the persons wishing to offer work; 6) Professional orientation and professional retraining of the unemployed; 7) Payment of the grants. The majority of the economists believe, that the problem of unemployment and other disproportion in the market of work can be softened only with the help of a combination of various means - stimulation of economic growth, reduction of working week, creation of an effective system of retraining of the staff. Thus, the modern state regulation of the market of work represents a complex of economic, administrative, organisational and other measures. The existing nowadays system of state regulation of economy has developed not at once. During the development it has passed some stages: 1) Creation of general favourable conditions for reproduction of the private capital; a concentration of efforts of the state on development of the labour, tax, trade, social legislation, customs politics, on maintenance of stability of money. Construction and purchase of objects in raw and infrastuctural branches. 2) The unmatched among them actions of an anticrisis and structural orientation, attempt to influence employment and prices. 3) Experiments with use of money-credit and budget means of regulation of economy. A wave of a privatisation of objects of a state ownership. 4) Transition in a number of the countries to branch and regional intermediate term programming; attempts to increase effectiveness of state regulation of economy by study of compatibility and interchangeability of tools of regulation, definition of their efficiency. 5) Realisation in the increasing number of the advanced countries of nation-wide intermediate term programming in a combination to development long-term perspective ways. More and more address, dosing and complex use of tools of regulation. 6) Measure as agreed of nation-wide intermediate term programs at an interstate level in framework integration of associations; steps in a direction national of planning. On scales, the tools and efficiency of state regulation of economy decisive influence rendered tasks rising before economy of the separate countries, material opportunities of the states reflected in a share to them of a total internal product and in the absolute sizes of means, which it is ready to use on state regulation of economy accrued experience and successes in scientific development of problems of state economic politics in conditions of a market economy. The mechanism of state regulation of economy is constantly improved, irrespective of, the governments on principles of economic politics are guided or are inclined to use more rigid budget tools of regulation. In modern conditions the practice of state regulation of economy has appeared rather productive to not admit general crises and social - dangerous of scales of unemployment. The literature. 1) Economy. The textbook for economic academies, high schools and faculties. Under edition of the candidate of economic sciences, senior lecturer of AMPERE-SECOND. Bulatova. Publishing house. Moscow 1995. 2) Macroeconomic. The manual. M.K. Bunkina,V.A. Semenov. Publishing house “ Moscow 1995. 3) Social market economy. The German way. Chaints Lampert. Publishing house “Business”. Moscow 1994. 4) Market economy. The textbook. Volume 1, part 1. Publishing house “Somintek”. Moscow 1992. |
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